Entries by Mona Berger

Hot one-pot process – high temperature fluidized bed for simultaneous particle formulation and functionalization

Hot one-pot process – high temperature fluidized bed for simultaneous particle formulation and functionalization.
The requirements for the high-performance materials of the future pose new challenges for product developers: Innovative applications require increasingly complex materials, but their desired properties can so far only be achieved in cost-intensive multi-step processes. The process temperature plays a key role here. With high-temperature fluid bed systems, plant manufacturer Glatt overcomes previously applicable temperature limits and enables the production of catalyst materials in a single-step process. (German article)

Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH is one of the 150 most innovative companies in Eastern Germany

In its current issue, the eastern German business magazine WIRTSCHAFT+MARKT presents 150 of the most innovative eastern German companies from seven sectors. These include mechanical engineering, the mobility sector, the IT and digital economy, energy and environmental technology, the healthcare industry, the chemical and plastics industry, and the food and agricultural industry.

Increasing trend towards customer’s own product

Schüttgut-Interview with Dr.-Ing. Michael Jacob, Head of Process Engineering, Process Technology Food, Feed & Fine Chemicals, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH
At Glatt Ingenieurtechnik, the focus is on processes related to particle design and particle engineering for the development, optimization, functionalization and production of powders and bulk materials such as granules and pellets. Dr.-Ing. Michael Jacob, Head of Process Engineering, Process Technology Food, Feed & Fine Chemicals at Glatt Ingenieurtechnik in Weimar, explains where the current challenges lie in the industry. (German article)

Matted from hot gas stream – matting agent with Glatt powder synthesis

Spray calcination // Their share in the paint system is only a few percent, but their effect triggers buying impulses and makes the cash registers of vehicle manufacturers and furniture producers ring: Matting agents. Thanks to a novel process of spray calcination in a pulsating stream of hot gas, new ideas can be turned into additives ready for testing within just a few weeks. (Article in German language)

Innovative particle design for high performance applications

With APPtec® for thermal powder synthesis and high-temperature fluid bed, plant manufacturer Glatt Ingenieurtechnik offers effective manufacturing processes for unique product properties. For particle design and the development of customized processes, Glatt has apparatus and equipment on a laboratory, pilot and production scale. (Article in German language)

Greener granulating and adding value – Effective fluid bed plant design

Sustainable granulation and refining – Effective fluid bed plant design
German energy prices are among the highest in Europe. More efficient energy use pays off not only in terms of operational cost management, but also in terms of competitiveness and image. Whether in the form of spectacular architecture, as in the case of state-of-the-art, energetically self-sufficient company headquarters, or in silver-grey components for fluidized bed plants – there is always a holistic approach behind successful concepts. (German article)

We support product development from the very beginning

We accompany the product development from the first idea.

Glatt Ingenieurtechnik from Weimar is a globally active plant engineering company with its own process technology, the fluid bed process. Volker Budzinski is the sales manager responsible for international project development in the Process Technology Food, Feed & Fine Chemicals division. In an interview with the editors of Food Technologie, he answered some questions about fluid bed technology. (German article)

New type of powder synthesis

Continuous process for manufacturing powders with customis-able properties – Whatever the field – medical engineering, battery technology or special pigments – companies looking to develop new applications for high-performance materials are dependent on new and innovative production technologies. A milestone in the produc-tion of customised powders has now been reached in Weimar, Germany.