Entries by Mona Berger

Outside-in process from plant manufacturer: From the idea to market launch – the future is made by the team

Outside-in process from the plant manufacturer: From the idea to market maturity – the future is made by the team.
For decades, fluid bed equipment has been considered the top class for the production of dust-free, soluble or functional granulates and pellets. Why Glatt Ingenieurtechnik approaches product ideas with an open mind to technology and how this advances the customer’s innovation process. Whoever comes to Glatt is looking for exactly that. Synergy effects also result from cooperation with university partners and our involvement in competence networks and research projects. Our employees make a very significant contribution to the success of complex innovation projects; highly motivated colleagues who contribute their expertise and ability to think outside the box in collaboration with our customers. (German article)

From nano to micro: Register for free and join the webinar @ Virtual Process Show 8-11 Sep 2020

From nano to micro –
How to generate narrow PSD spherical particles in one step.
Learn about the generation and core-shell-coating of powder materials with new, previously unattained properties. Long-term stability for battery materials through precise, even coating of anode and cathode materials.
Unique new optical effects and maximum protection for paint and coating pigments. Reduced material quantity by core-shell-coated structures for catalytically active powders.

Glatt. Meet the Experts @ Virtual Process Show 8-11 Sep 2020

Trade fairs are postponed, conferences cancelled, travel restricted. Experience networking and the typical trade fair feeling digitally. So we are going on a new path. Visit us from 8 to 11 September 2020 at the Virtual Process Show – the new online trade fair for process and production technology in chemistry, biotech, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages.

Pulsed Multiphase Flows—Numerical Investigation of Particle Dynamics in Pulsating Gas–Solid Flows at Elevated Temperatures

Although the benefits of pulsating multiphase flows and the concomitant opportunity to intensify heat and mass transfer processes for, e.g., drying, extraction or chemical reactions have been known for some time, the industrial implementation is still limited. This is particularly due to the lack of understanding of basic influencing factors, such as amplitude and frequency of the pulsating flow and the resulting particle dynamics. The pulsation generates oscillation of velocity, pressure, and temperature, intensifying the heat and mass transfer by a factor of up to five compared to stationary gas flow

How future materials become reality with fluid bed technologies and Glatt powder synthesis

How future materials become reality with fluid bed technologies and Glatt powder synthesis. Battery materials, 3D printing, phosphorus fertilizers, foodstuffs: thanks to its technology and process-oriented innovation expertise, plant manufacturer and process expert Glatt Ingenieurtechnik is a sought-after development partner in many branches of industry and in the research sector. The Technology Center at the Weimar headquarters is the hub for particle design of future materials. R&D ideas are turned into product samples with flame-retardant properties, for example, and market-ready beverage powders are developed here; the formulation for fertilizer granules with defined release and carbon pellets are being tinkered with. (German article)

We are taking care – COVID-19 pandemic

Dear customers, partners and followers

The current situation is very special and challenging for all of us globally. At Glatt we continuously follow and comply with the recommendations by the governmental health authorities on how to conduct our business during the COVID -19 pandemic.

We are taking care …

Glatt Powder Synthesis – Pioneering Process for Groundbreaking Particle Synthesis

Future materials such as high-energy and safe battery components, more economical membranes, orthopedic ceramics, functional additives or high-performance pigments must provide more than the current properties of existing material components. A common issue within each of these applications is the high levels of powder performance that are required. Therefore, completely new products or novel innovations require powder materials that must first be developed and then manufactured in the necessary quantities.
With APPtec®, plant manufacturer Glatt has succeeded in overcoming these challenges and established a mature continuous process technology to produce future materials at both laboratory scale for research purposes and at industrial levels. Time-consuming and risky scale-up procedures are eliminated because of the size-independent conditions — fluid mechanic and thermodynamic — that exist from lab- to commercial-scale production.

Comparison of Electrochemical Degradation for Spray Dried and Pulse Gas Dried LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4

To commercialize next-generation cathode materials a lot of different synthesis methods need to be researched and evaluated regarding the attainable electrochemical properties of the materials on one hand, and the scalability of the process on the other. For the high voltage LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode material especially the degradation of the material during cycling needs to be investigated for different scales and techniques. LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 (LNMO) was synthesized using two different methods in different scales: lab-scaled spray drying and pilot-scaled gas pulse drying.