Dear customers, partners and followers
The current situation is very special and challenging for all of us globally. At Glatt we continuously follow and comply with the recommendations by the governmental health authorities on how to conduct our business during the COVID -19 pandemic.
We are taking care of our employees. Therefore, we have implemented strict hygienic measures, we have reduced visits & meetings to the absolute necessary, postponed our events and our employees can work from home, wherever possible.
We are taking care of our customers and have increased our hotline support. We have established live streams from some of our factories, in order to stay connected with our customers globally. You can reach us also as usual via phone, e-mail, Skype or Social Media.
We are taking care of our business. We keep wherever possible our operation safely running and stay in close contact with our supply chain.
At Glatt Ingenieurtechnik, protecting our employees as well as our customers and business partners is our top priority, and we are strictly following the recommendations of government authorities. We have adapted our procedures in line with these, so that personal contact is reduced to a minimum and safe distances can be maintained between people on our business premises. Additionally, video conferences have now replaced on-site visits. Internal meetings are now also held in virtual meeting rooms.
We will continue with our business activities as usual and, for example, provide planning services for new production facilities as well as optimizing existing lines using proven biotechnological and pharmaceutical processes. We will also continue planning and implementing fluidized bed plants for the production of dust-free, free-flowing granulates from powders and liquids – we will always be here and available for our customers, in both the short and long term. Our core competencies are traditionally applied in a wide range of industries, such as the pharmaceutical, food, feed, chemical, fine chemical and related industries. This diversification helps to cushion extreme fluctuations in individual sectors.
Meetings with external suppliers and clients are currently taking place via video conference. Our strong IT infrastructure is allowing many of our employees to work predominantly from their own home offices. We all remain highly motivated and continue to provide all of our services in line with the high quality standards that our customers expect and that we have set for ourselves. We have also enhanced security at our technology center. In the field of particle design, we are continuing to carry out feasibility tests to determine the optimum conditions for continuous spray calcination, spray granulation, agglomeration and coating/core shell processes. What we cannot do at present, due to the current situation, is have our customers accompany us on these trials. However, we are making sure that all orders for contract production of granules and pellets for our customers are fulfilled.
It goes without saying that there is no substitute for interpersonal working relationships. Projects are made by people, and people have emotions. In this special situation, however, when we are unable to work together in as close proximity as we have been used to, it is important that we all maintain virtual contact. This enables everyone to make their own contribution to protecting ourselves and our fellow human beings and yet still enables us to collaborate with each other fully. We are happy to hear from everyone and continue to be at your service, as ever, for the development of future projects.